Q+A with Director and EQ Grant Recipient - Anna Duckworth
You were paired with Lou’ana - did you know each other beforehand? What were your similarities and differences?
We had worked together previously so were very excited to get the opportunity to work together again. We got along really well and our skillsets complemented each other. Lou'ana and I are both very practical and able to get stuck in to coordinate things if it's going to end up with a better result.
What are some of the challenges in directing a music video?
It is kind of a weird format for a director coming from a narrative background as you are used to having a lot of say in what you are creating - however when you are making a music video you really need to work in service of the artist and what is best going to met their needs. But having said that it is a collaboration where you are both seeking to capitalise on each other's strengths!
Why did you apply for the EQ grant?
It looked like a really great opportunity to make a video with an awesome female artist but also connect with other music video makers and share about the process.
Did you and Lou’ana have free rein to do as you liked or were there guidelines to follow? What were they?
The only guidelines were around schedule - which did prove a little tricky in a covid year, but EQ was very understanding about having to adjust our schedules!
What did you enjoy most or find most useful about the experience?
I really enjoyed the hui where we got to showcase our work and hear from each director and musician about their collaboration and the process of making their music video. It was amazing to see how diverse the experiences and projects were but that everyone was really on board for the kaupapa of the initiative.
Why should directors apply for the grant? What advice would you give them?
Definitely put your name in the ring! It's an amazing opportunity to get creative, work with a crew and collaborate with another artist to bring both of your strengths together. Aim high, get creative, think outside the box, try and create something worth sharing!